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Enjoy a show of fine art and fine craft in multiple mediums by fourteen artists, on display through March 30. The collective of eight RAGS artists plus six guest artists who received a special invitation to participate in this 5th annual event are featuring their paintings, pastels, collage, photography, fiber arts, pottery, and more. Artist’s Invitational Exhibit guests are Alison Kerlin – Photography, Kelly Ayotte-Phelan – Pottery, Robert B. Bernhards - East Asian Paintings, Brittany Pratt - Fiber Arts, Jennifer Duncan – Paintings, and Octavia Frazier – Paintings. The exhibit includes depictions of local and international scenes and themes as well as functional and decorative pieces. Open on weekends from 12-5pm, or by appointment.
Pictured here is a Sumi Brush Painting by Robert Bernhards, one of six guest artists featured at Reston Art Gallery and Studios, located by the lakeside "ART" sign at Lake Anne Plaza.